What is Mobilization?
Our vision is to see students reached on the college campus and then sent into the world as ambassadors of Christ.
Mobilization is the process of preparing and deploying students for post-college faithfulness and impact in God's kingdom. We desire to see every student involved in our ministry mobilized intentionally from their campus. Some will go to the 10/40 window, some will serve in full-time ministry stateside, and some will make disciples in the marketplace, their families, and many other places.
Regardless of occupation or context, we desire that all graduates would live out their Christian calling: to know God and make Him known.
Our Staff
Lone Star South Mobilization Tracks
Launch Groups (or Disciple Making Groups) are designed to provide Graduates with practical training and resources to help each person find his/her role in fulfilling the Great Commission. These groups come together each week to pray, study disciple-making, and plan how they will put into action what they are learning.
Overseas Missions
Goer Missional Communities (GMC/Go Groups/9-month groups) are a next step for those looking to go overseas. These communities exist to equip disciple-makers intending to go to unreached people groups, and for those who will stay and mobilize others to engage the unreached.
Want more information about GMCs? Check out our CMC Overview for more details.
Full-Time Ministry
Full-Time Ministry opportunities are for graduates interested in a full-time job for a local church or para-church organization. Unlike the other tracks with a specific program opportunity, StuMo provides insight into the day-to-day life of full-time ministry as well as a variety of connections to biblical, disciple-making churches and organizations across Texas.